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Writer's pictureZorica Newman


Updated: Dec 26, 2020

In case you’ve been wondering what do Spanish terms that your flamenco teacher is using mean, here’s a handy list of basic flamenco terms and phrases for you to memorise, so you can enjoy flamenco in its native language:

Term: Meaning:


El baile Dance


El bailaor Male dancer


La bailaora Female dancer


El guitarrista Guitar player


El cantaor Male singer


La cantaora Female singer


El cuerpo The body


La colocacion del cuerpo The (correct) positioning of the body


Los manos The hands


Los pies The feet


La punta The tip of the toes


La planta (la media planta) Striking of the ball of the foot against the floor


Braceo Movement of arms


Floreo Movement or articulation of fingers or hands


Las palmas The hands


Palmear To clap hands (Span. ‘hacer las palmas’)


Jalear To shout during dance


El jaleo The shout, a vocal encouragement to the performers (e.g. when the audience shouts phrases like: Ezo!, Arsa!, Olé!, Toma!, Vamo!)


El duende The magic, or the spirit of flamenco artistry


La llamada Literally ‘the call’ or the opening of the dance


La entrada The beginning


Compás The rhythm, beat. also, a unit of rhythm


El final The end of the dance


La letra The lyrics


El marcaje The marking steps, used during the lyrics


El paso The step, in a dance


Escobilla The brushing steps, a section of footwork in dance


El paseo The walk, refers to parts of the dance where emphasis is on graceful walking and movements of the upper body and arms; sometimes used to refer to the part of the ‘alegrías’ (cheerful, upbeat melodies) which is more commonly called the ‘silencio’(silence).


El remate Footwork during and at the end of the lyrics.


Zapatear The footwork, to do the footwork


Las zapatos The shoes


Desplante A point in the dance that marks the end of a section, a climax where the dancer pauses and the audience applauds. Also called ‘La subida’ (the climb).


La oposición The opposition, refers to the asymmetry of flamenco; e.g. in dance: if the arms are going one way, the face will look the other.


Estampa A personal stamp, a signature look: the stance, the form, and the dress


El vestido The dress


La falda The skirt


La flor The flower (worn in hair)


El abanico The fan


Mantón de Manilla Manilla shawl


La peineta Hair comb


Las castañuelas Castanets


Please note:

This list is not exhaustive. Ask your teacher for the meaning of any other Spanish flamenco terms that she may introduce throughout your course.

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